
We are proud of our dedicated, well qualified staff.  Currently 88% of our Educators are trained in Early Childhood Certification or have a university degree. The provincial government standard requirement dictates that 25% of childcare staff must have this training. It is the ongoing goal of the Preschool Centre and its Board of Directors to achieve 100% trained. With this in mind, in 2005 the board established an ongoing scholarship program using funds from professional development, to support the financial burden of ECE training. All staff have extensive experience in childcare and are trained in the New Brunswick Emergent Curriculum. Being an integrated centre, many of our Educators are familiar with sign language, have Hanen Early Language and/or Talk With Me training and many have completed training in best practices for inclusive education.  All staff members are required to be certified with Standard First Aid and CPR, and undergo a criminal record and vulnerable sector check.  Our staff, some of whom have been at the Preschool Centre for 30 years, work as a team with each other and with parents/caregivers to provide children the best child care possible.   


Board of Directors

The PSC is governed by a Board of Directors who is responsible for decisions concerning long term planning, policies and finances.


Current Board Members for 2023/2024

Eric Coffin, President

Katie Campbell, Vice President

Hilary Ray, Secretary

Yasmin Oliva, Treasurer


Harry Hua

Kathryn Kane

Matt  Shaw

Lily Shentu

Ruth Ayoola


*More information on the Board of Directors or specific board committees is available upon request.